Saturday, August 29, 2009


We are finally moved in and settled. All we have to do is get our patio painted and repaired and then work on cleaning up the yard some. I need to get some new plants etc planted since we lost all ours due to Ike. God even gave me a nice sewing room so I can have plenty of room to create more things for the soldiers or my website. I love my huge kitchen. I dreamed of one this large when I was baking all the cookies for the military. I can hardly wait for winter so I can bake again.

We got the garage and prayer garden painted to match the house. It all looks so good. Even realized the color of the house is the same color as our automobile. How funny! Now we can settle down and get back in gear of things. We are so thankful for our children who helped us through this 11 month hardship in our life. We are blessed to have such wonderful children!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Today I got an email from the soldier that I had made a quilt for while he was in Iraq serving our country. That was 2 winters ago. He came back to states but is going again. My heart is touched by our heroes who serve so much. I will start praying again for him now in advance.
This reminds me that I need to start another quilt soon for another soldier.
It is so nice how you can build relationships with these young men even when you have never seen them in person. May God Bless our Young Men and Women Serving!!
Here is a copy of his email:

"Hi MawMaw Lillian!
We're getting ready to deploy to Iraq again in October. Should only be over there a year. Possibly even shorter. They're still talking about all American forces being out of Iraq by next August. Although we could have to stay over there to "close up shop", sort of; make sure sure the Iraqis are able to run things on their own before we leave. I still have the quilt you sent me last time and plan on taking it with me cor a second tour in Iraq. I may sew some combat stripes onto it, to make it official. :)
I'm glad to hear that y'all were able to move back home. Hopefully by now things are more settled. It will feel nice, I know, once you get everything completely moved in.

Once I get to Iraq I will be sure to send y'all my mailing address. That won't be for quite a while, though. We don't leave untill mid-October."
Love, Jimmey

Thursday, August 27, 2009

2nd Slipper for the Pink Slipper Project

I just finished the second slipper for the PINK SLIPPER PROJECT. Check out the website.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pink Slipper Project

I completed my first pair of Pink Slipper Project slippers today. Tomorrow I create another one that will be different since I do not create anything alike.
Of course these are rag slippers made of denim. What else would I start on first!? I love denim.
Come back later to see what the other pairs will look like. I know there are many creative people out there!!! Check out the Pink Slipper Project and see how you can help even if you don't sew.


Well, as of August 3rd, we got to sleep inside our new home. We were without furnishings for awhile until we got it all moved in. It took us 3 weeks working in the heat, but we did it, thanks to some of our children.
I will try to post pictures soon.
Today, I am working on the PINK SLIPPER PROJECT. I finally got to sew and I am so happy. It has been over a year since I have been able to sit at a machine and sew. Today it is my therapy!

I was sad to find out that my embroidery machine was stolen from where it was stored, but Praise God He did spare my sewing machine so I could work on this project. I will just wait on God and hopefully my embroidery machine will be restored soon.

Be sure and check out the PINK SLIPPER PROJECT. It is a wonderful thing to be part of!