Today as I was sitting in church with my sweet hubby, daughter, son-in-law, and 3 grown grandchildren on this sweet Mothers Day, May 10, 2009, tears came to my eyes as I realized what the date was!
It was on this very date on a Mothers Day, May 10, 1964 that I miscarried our first child. I will never forget that date as long as I live. My heart was broken and no words can describe the pain. My heart aches every time I hear of another mother who lost her child that she wanted
so much.
Many years have past since that Mothers Day, and I have been so blessed with 3 wonderful daughters and many children of my heart. God has surrounded me with 3 wonderful son inlaws and many grandchildren too. As I look back over the years and see how fast they grew up,, I thank God that He taught me many years ago, that giving them time is so important. What you invest in will be your treasure!
I invested in my children because God said they are our reward upon this earth. I feel like He gave my husband and I the Grand Prize when He gave us our three girls! I am so thankful for God's goodness in their lives.
When they were babies, I wanted to raise them in such a way by the Word of God so that I could present them back to the Lord and know that I did my best.
I see them now with their own children and I am so happy for them, and I smile! There is no greater ministry than being a mother. They are such good mothers. Only God really knows why I smile! One day when they are my age, they will know the feelings.
I wish that on this Mother's Day that I could have been with all 3 of my girls, but that wasn't possible. They are all scattered with families and responsibility, but I am thankful that I got to spend today with my youngest and her family and worship with them in their church. It was a good Mothers Day!
I thank you God for such a great gift to be called "Mother". It is worth all the work, prayer and even some tears over the years.