Friday, March 28, 2008


Today I look outside again for the 4th day in a row and see my precious hubby working so hard to make our place beautiful. For weeks we have worked to get the leaves mulched, raked, or burned. It can be a chore, especially with the size we have, but with the downfall of having leaves to rake always comes the blessings. The wonderful oak trees that draw the birds!
This morning we sat outside on the back porch drinking our breakfast shake and listening to the many birds just singing so beautifully. It makes me wonder if they are singing the praises to our God. The beautiful sound of our waterfalls and the birds singing just makes all the work worthwhile. We were so blessed to finally have a place of our own after 41 years of marriage.
We sat still for awhile and watched the hummingbirds come to the one feeder we hung for the Spring. Then we saw one from probably last year trying to find the feeder on the porch where we hung it last Fall. We didn't hang it up this Spring. It amazes me how they know exactally where to go to the same spots from year to year. He just looked up to the place where it used to hang, then flew away when he saw it was gone!
Across the yard in a tree we saw a couple of bluebirds going in and out of their house. Then when the squirrel came near, the male bluebird took off attacking him. They work so hard guarding the nest to keep the pesty squirrels away. God has been so good to us to send bluebirds to our place. They don't come around much.
My daughter and son-in-law took my grandson to the zoo today. He was so excited to see the animals. I did that continually for my children. They always loved the zoo and seeing all the different kinds of animals.
All this reminds me of how wonderful the first Garden must have been on earth that God created for man. Yet, man was not please with what God gave, and it was all taken away from him because of disobedience.
Now, man still longs for that place of beauty that God meant for us to have. I can just imagine how beautiful the birds and animals were there and the awe of being in the presence of God!
So we just continue on, enjoying just a glimpse here on earth now of what God has prepared for us.
It is so hard to get back to sewing with all the beautiful things outside now that winter is over!!
Maybe the Lord and nature are calling!
Song of Solomon 2:10-12 "My beloved, spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For Lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land"