Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today as I was sitting in church with my sweet hubby, daughter, son-in-law, and 3 grown grandchildren on this sweet Mothers Day, May 10, 2009, tears came to my eyes as I realized what the date was!

It was on this very date on a Mothers Day, May 10, 1964 that I miscarried our first child. I will never forget that date as long as I live. My heart was broken and no words can describe the pain. My heart aches every time I hear of another mother who lost her child that she wanted
so much.

Many years have past since that Mothers Day, and I have been so blessed with 3 wonderful daughters and many children of my heart. God has surrounded me with 3 wonderful son inlaws and many grandchildren too. As I look back over the years and see how fast they grew up,, I thank God that He taught me many years ago, that giving them time is so important. What you invest in will be your treasure!

I invested in my children because God said they are our reward upon this earth. I feel like He gave my husband and I the Grand Prize when He gave us our three girls! I am so thankful for God's goodness in their lives.

When they were babies, I wanted to raise them in such a way by the Word of God so that I could present them back to the Lord and know that I did my best.

I see them now with their own children and I am so happy for them, and I smile! There is no greater ministry than being a mother. They are such good mothers. Only God really knows why I smile! One day when they are my age, they will know the feelings.

I wish that on this Mother's Day that I could have been with all 3 of my girls, but that wasn't possible. They are all scattered with families and responsibility, but I am thankful that I got to spend today with my youngest and her family and worship with them in their church. It was a good Mothers Day!

I thank you God for such a great gift to be called "Mother". It is worth all the work, prayer and even some tears over the years.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Recently on our trip back from Tennessee to our daughters in Texas, we stopped over in our home town, so we could go back to our property to reminisce and take a few pictures. That was very hard on us to walk through it again. It all brought back so many memories.
Although the yard is so messy right now, to us it still was a place of beauty! Our old garden even had a few flowers trying to bloom. That reminded us of new life and made us smile!! With tears in our eyes, we thanked God for His goodness even in the midst of the storm.
One day all things will be restored to us!! Once we get to move back to our property we will have months of work ahead of us to get things looking nice again.
The old damaged house is about to be removed from the property, and we hope to have a new one on there by July.
Before we left we decided to have a picnic lunch there. That brought back so many memories. Then we were on the road again back to live with our youngest daughter in Texas.
One day we will call this little country town home again! Until then we will just enjoy the goodness of God wherever we are! For God is always good to His children. We just have to learn to see beauty in the valley until He restores all things. HE IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER.