Saturday, July 24, 2010

I might get addicted to scrapbooking!

Today, I left my sewing machine for a few hours to go help a scrap booking group make some cards to mail in the packages we send to our troops once a month. It will be a set of 6-8 cards so they would have some cards to send to family and friends. We are making a variety of cards for them such as: hello, miss you, thinking of you, Christmas etc.

That was the first time I really learned anything about doing any kind of scrap booking ideas. I had a blast and might really get addicted to it. We will meet again next week to make more. We got 300 made today.

I think now after doing this, I decided to join the scrapbooking club that meets once a month to scrapbook etc. It should be fun and another way for me to learn something new. I sure don't need anymore projects to do at all, but there is just something inside of me always wanting to create and to learn something new.

My next big sewing project will be to make another quilt for a soldier and mail it to him to keep warm this winter in Iraq etc. The last one that I made and mailed to a soldier was used during 2 deployments and he loves it.

Back to Sewing Again!

Goodness, the time has flown by since I have last blogged. It has been a very busy spring trying to get the garden taken care of, flowers planted, and yard in good shape. Now that the hot humid Summer weather has set in, I find myself wanting to be inside more than ever. So this week I finally got to my sewing room again. I have missed it! It is my therapy and I can tell I have been missing it.

Today, I finally finished this quilt that I made and donated for a worthy organization The Quilts for Kids. They are an organization that makes quilts for very sick children in hospitals. I sure hope that mine will make some sweet little boy smile. The backing on the quilt has tractors, trucks and all those things little boys love. You can go to my website and see a better view of it and also see the other items under my donated category that I have donated to many places. I get so much joy out of sewing something and giving it away. I guess that is why I feel so blessed.
The Bible says to "Give and it shall be given unto you" God has given me so many blessings in my life and I am so thankful.