Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More Baby Quilt Donations from Denim

It has been a few months since I posted. Gee where does the time go! So much has gone on in my life in these golden years!  I stay so busy but do love it.  God gives me the talents to sew and I try to do some each month to donate to the hospital babies here in the town I live.  I belong to the HOOK n NEEDLE club who crochets, knits or sews many things for the needy in our community.  I finished 2 denim quilts in the month of April  to take to our next meeting. One is for a boy and one is for a girl baby.  I did machine embroidery on the boys, but the girls was bright enough without it.

This is the highlight of my life.  The Bible says. God so loved the world that HE GAVE his only begotten son for us.  So that same giving Spirit lives in me, and I am so thankful that I can still continue in my old age to sew and craft and give to others, needy or not needy ones..

Here are photos of the 2 quilts.