Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It has been a very long hot and dry summer here in Texas. We are in a severe drought all over the state and it is heart breaking. We lost all our plants due to the extreme heat of 108 degrees sometimes. I was so sad not to have any beautiful flowers to look at each day, but my sweet husband brings me beautiful roses from time to time. Yesterday he bought these and it cheered me up so. There is nothing quite like roses! I can't seem to grow them but I do love them.

This morning God blessed us with 55 degree temperatures in the early hours so I climbed out of bed, put on my sweat suit and sat in my prayer garden all alone at 7:00 a.m. and spent some time in prayer for all those suffering from the wild fires in Texas. It was such a joy just watching my waterfall and the hummingbirds. My husband has been faithful to keep our bird feeders and birdbaths full for the birds. It is hard to see the animals suffering from the heat. One day when it was 108 degrees outside we saw a squirrel laying in the middle of our birdbath full of water. Poor darling!

It will turn into the 90's here this afternoon, but I am so thankful for the little touch of cool weather we are getting so I can open the house and air it out. I am praying the rain comes soon but I am truly thankful for any of God's blessings even if it is cool air for awhile.