Monday, September 13, 2010


It has been so hot here lately in Texas and I was longing to see some autumn beauty. So I got out my material and put on my thinking cap and created a pattern. With the sewing machine and the hand needle, the result was some cute pumpkins. I was going to make only one but after I finally figured how to design it, then I made 3.

I love looking at these pumpkins because Autumn is my favorite time of the year. It just does not last long enough here in South Texas. We seem to go from Summer to Winter.

We live on property with many oak trees and when the leaves begin to change colors I get so excited. I love the beauty of autumn. Of course with the falling leaves come work trying to rake them all up, but to me it is all worth it. If I had my choice in life autumn would last all year.

I remember so well in autumn of 2008 when my daughter and son-in-law took my husband and I to the Smoky Mountains! Those pictures are forever in my memory. It was absolutely breathtaking to me!

I hope you enjoying going to my website and seeing the Autumn designs that I created and hope you have a very fun filled autumn season.