Sunday, June 21, 2009

Counting the Days!!

Well, our home arrived on the land. It will be 30 days or more before all is finished before we can call it HOME SWEET HOME. We are one step Closer!!! I am counting the days!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


September 10, 2008 was the last day we were in our home before Hurricane Ike came through with a fury and destroyed our home by causing a tree to fall and crush it. What an event and what a journey all these months!!

Living with family, we watched our grandson grow to be a sweet ambitious 2 year old. We got to visit places we would never have seen like Gatlenburg, Tennessee. The Fall leaves in Tennessee were beautiful, and God blessed us with snow too! That was a treat for me!

Back in Texas we have the joy of remembering again what it was like to live with teenage girls since we have lived now with our teenage granddaughters for 6 months. I had forgotten there is no such thing as quiet when the teens are around!

But who knew that 9 months after Ike, we would still be displaced and dreaming of our home. We are so thankful for children who have given us a place to stay, but our heart longs so much to be home!

Yesterday we went to our property to take pictures of what it looks like after the damaged home was removed! So different, so bare, and so many memories gone. That was my Mom and Dad’s home that I inherited so we saw more than a home fade away. We are trying to keep the attached porch that my Dad built, so it still stands!!

One day hopefully soon we will have a new home there to call HOME SWEET HOME!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another Mother's Heart Hurts!

Today I cry again because my oldest (20 year old) granddaughter miscarried her baby after 9 weeks of carrying it. Only mothers who have experienced that heartbreak know how it really feels no matter what the circumstance is. She and her husband suffer greatly, but she is so strong! To watch her Praise Him In The Storm blesses my heart. This is their 3rd loss! How Hard!!! I lost only one and it hurt so much!!!

She has the sweetest spirit and always has. She has been hurt many times but so forgiving and so much faith in God that He will make it alright!

Her mother told her "When I grow up, I want to be just like you because you are so strong!"

All I can say is "Greater the trials, greater the reward and blessings"! This valley too soon shall pass. May God bless her greatly, and her children will rise up one day and call her blessed! One day my little sweetheart will recieve a real crown from our precious Lord for her sweet attitude in these trials of life! Oh My Precious Lord, comfort her greatly today!